Friday, October 19, 2012

Winning Undecided Voters

In the Washington Monthly blog titled “George W. Bush Haunts Mitt Romney”, Ezra Klein’s audience is clearly intended for right wing and conservative individuals.  In the blog, Klein points out that presidential nominee Mitt Romney is still coping with the aftermath of former President George W. Bush’s presidency.  Klein also is quick to point out that Romney’s biggest issue is not President Barack Obama, but the issue of trying to win voters who have skepticism about having another Republican president in office such as former George W. Bush.  Klein points out in his blog that after Tuesday’s Presidential debate Mitt Romney was given a chance to finally win the votes of some of the skeptical voters that have been undecided about voting for another republican president, but Klein is quick to point out that Mitt Romney has failed to do so.  Ezra Klein does provide some statistical analysis on both President Obama and Mitt Romney, and gives credible facts.  For example, Ezra Klein points out that Romney offered nothing that former President Bush wouldn’t have proposed in 2000.  Klein also points out that current United States economy now has deficits rather than a balanced budget.  I personally believe and agree with Ezra Klein’s blog.  For example, I believe that many things happened on former President George W. Bush’s watch, such as the fail of major corporations and the economic downfall spiral of the economy, not to mention the millions of tax dollars spent on the war in the Middle East.  Finally, I believe that in order to swing those undecided voters, Mitt Romney will indeed have to do his best to convince those who are skeptical on having a repeat presidency such as the one led by former George W. Bush.

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